Guangdong Coreat Entertainment Equipment Co.,Ltd,

Enpresaren profila

Guangdong Coreat Entertainment Equipment Co.,Ltd. R integratzen duen etapako ekipoen fabrikatzaile profesionala da&D, diseinua, ekoizpena, salmentak, instalazioa, debugging and technical services. Our company has a professional technical team and first￾class production equipment, we always regard technological innovation as the core driving force of enterprise development, and with years of experience accumulation and technological innovation, we provide high-quality stage electric hoist for domestic and foreign customers.

We implement strict quality management, and our products have passed the international CE certification of the European Union, SGS probak, and national quality testing of lifting and transportation machinery, and have made remarkable scientific research achievements in many aspects and won many patented technologies. Products are widely used in auditoriums, theaters, estudioak, estadioak, aisialdi tabernak, alderdiak, erakusketa aretoak, mobile performances and other fields.

Over the yearsour company has won industry recognition with excellent quality and strict standards, eta bizitzako esparru guztiek goraipatu dute. Eta Guangdong Performing Arts Equipment Industry Merkataritza Ganberako zuzendaria da, Guangdong probintzia Guangxi Merkataritza Ganberako presidente exekutiboa Arte Eszenikoen Ekipamenduen Batzorde Profesionala. Kalitate handiko produktuak eta zerbitzu bikaina nazioartean erabiltzaile profesionalek ongi etorriak eta errespetatzen dituzte

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