Single chain electric hoist
Coreat launches the highly efficient and durable 2T single-chain electric hoist, the design of a single lifting chain, double brake system, safer and more stable, more in line with the needs of the majority of users for hanging, meet the large-scale performance, overall easier to transport,compared with the double-chain hoist, the control is simpler.
Advantages & Features
- 5 chain socket lifting sprocket
Less chain wear, smoother - New design control panel
Simple control - Heavy duty DC brakes
Long service life design, easy to repair - Gear
The spiral design lasts longer and operates more smoothly Limit switch function Optional rotary limit switch,facilitates quick reset and limit stroke positioning,any up and down position within the chain length range can be preset,just flick the small paddle of the limiter,and can be repeatedly adjusted different positions, easy to use. - Overload protection
Overload protection prevents extreme overload,effectively avoid the danger caused by extreme overload.、 - Easy to transport
Easy to handle and carrying - Lifetime warranty
Meets the highest standards in the industry - Transmission
High-precision helical gear transmission,the gears are in a permanent lubrication system,smoother, quieter gear operation and longer service life. - Reliability
The hoist is equipped with a patented overload protection clutch,It protects the operator and the hanging equipment from damage in the event of overload.
☆High-strength PVC chain containment bag, hanging or upside down.
☆360 degree rotatable upper and lower hooks, equipped with safety lock plates.
☆European waterproof aviation plug.
☆The whole machine is designed to be used upside down or upside down without modification.
Fa'amatalaga a le Kamupani
Guangdong Coreat Entertainment Equipment Co.,Ltd, ma sili atu nai lo 4000 falegaosi fa'ato'aga fa'aonaponei, talu ona faavaeina i 2012, fa'atasi ai ma uiga lelei ma fa'atekonolosi fou, ua faasolosolo malie ona atiina ae i se tulaga faapolofesa atamai masini ma meafaigaluega gaosi tuufaatasia R&D, mamanu, gaosiga, fa'atauga, fa'apipi'i, komisiina ma auaunaga fa'apitoa. O le pipii atu i le tala'aga umi ma le poto masani tau alamanuia, o lo'o tu'uina atu e le kamupani ni masini fa'ata'ita'iga fa'apitoa ma masini mo tagata fa'atau i le fale ma fafo.
O loʻo i ai i le kamupani se 'au faʻapolofesa faʻapolofesa ma meafaigaluega gaosiga muamua-vasega, ave i taimi uma le fa'aonaponei fa'atekonolosi e fai ma 'au'au fa'aola o le atina'eina o atina'e, fa'atasi ai ma le tele o tausaga o fa'aputuga o le poto masani ma fa'afouina fa'atekonolosi, tu'uina atu masini tulaga maualuga ma meafaigaluega mo galuega fa'ainisinia eseese i totonu ma fafo, matou te fa'atinoina pulega lelei atoatoa, ma ua pasia le EU International CE certification, Su'ega SGS, Si'i a le atunu'u ma masini felauaiga su'ega lelei.
O oloa e aofia ai masini atamai i totonu ma fafo, maualuga-saosaoa siitia faatinoga, faiga fa'ase'e eletise, sii i luga le mata LED, WIA fa'atinoga masini, O le mata o le ta'ita'i fa'afoliga masini fa'atosina, tulaga siitia, tulaga telescopi, filifili e tasi fa'aee eletise, CNC eletise eletise, ma isi.; fa'aaogaina lautele i fale fa'afiafia, fale'ie, malae taalo, fale faafiafia, pati, fale fa'aaliga, faatinoga feaveai, galuega tau turisi faaleaganuu ma isi matata; Masini tulaga, eletise eletise ma isi oloa e auina atu i fafo i le sili atu 50 atunuu ma itulagi e pei o Europa, Amerika, Asia, Ausetalia, Aferika ma isi; ma ua ausia taunuuga maoae o suesuega faasaienisi i le tele o itu, manumalo i le tele o tekinolosi pateni, ma tu'uina atu fofo tasi-taofi mo tagata fa'atau i totonu ma fafo.
E le'i iai ni iloiloga.