Removable bleachers assembled combination
Special Branch Reed removable bleachers assembled combination is a new grandstand system.The overall structure using standard parts and modular design, the various components in the stands such as support stands, pedals, side panels, guardrail, seats and so on, all can be assembly with.According to the site and the audience seats, can mix and match assembly various floors,digit.The advantages of simple structure, easy to erect and dismantle, convenient transportation and storage, and can be widely applied to the stadiums, entertainment activities, all kinds of public activities, places to build bleachers for spectators.
Structural design stands, in basic of internationally recognized standard architectural structure load, safety technical requirements for rod bearing capacity.
Steel bracket stands in all LAYHER (Rhea frame) casting bolt joints making quick installation structure, according to the requirements combined into multi-level modulus of temporary bleachers, specifications for the 250/300/350 / 400mm (story) × 800 / 900mm (layer depth), seat center distance 500mm. Side of the railing and back guardrail height are 1100mm, the force strength to meet the relevant requirements of GB50009-2001 railing, the structure stands can be used with low back or in the back injection or automatic folding chair seats, interior spaces can be used with auditorium chairs, easy to install and convenient. Shelf welded overall modular design, all components are interchangeable generic.
Pedal quality carbon steel pedal slip tread or fire proof stage skid plates, per square meter can load 400kg. Assembled layers grandstand, the median and the height of the design according to customer requirements, usually no more than 12 layers. Overall steel support structure can be customized using different conditions, electrostatic spraying or galvanizing treatment to improve the life of the stands.
Removable assembled grandstand features
- the basic structure and special parts are all standardized modular design.
- less structure, easy to set up and dismantle, also set the awning.
- the joint structure is reasonable, the job is easy, lightweight and easy.
- carrying capacity, high structural strength, good overall stability, safety and reliability.
- using an independent wedge bolt, plug-ins have self-locking function can be locked or disassembled by mating plug.
- component series of standardized, easy to transport and management.
- easy assembly and disassembly, widely used in various venues.
- can be plastic seat grandstand seats and aluminum base plate or other structure of the seat, to meet the needs of a variety of occasions.
Sharaxaada Shirkadda
Guangdong Coreat Entertainment Equipment Co.,Ltd, oo ka badan 4000 warshado nooca beerta casriga ah, tan iyo markii la aasaasay 2012, tayo sare leh iyo hal-abuur tignoolajiyadeed, waxay si tartiib tartiib ah u horumarisay mashiinada garaadka iyo soo saaraha qalabka oo isku daraya heer xirfadeed&D, naqshadeynta, wax soo saarka, iibka, rakibidda, hawlgelinta iyo adeegyada farsamada. U hoggaansanaanta taariikhda dheer iyo waayo-aragnimada warshadaha qani ah, Shirkaddu waxay siisaa mashiinno heersare ah oo caqli badan iyo qalab macaamiisha gudaha iyo dibaddaba.
Shirkaddu waxay leedahay koox farsamo oo xirfad leh iyo qalabka wax soo saarka heerka koowaad, Had iyo jeer qaado hal-abuurnimada tignoolajiyada oo ah xoogga udub dhexaadka u ah horumarinta ganacsiga, oo leh sannado khibrad ururin iyo hal-abuurnimo tignoolajiyadeed, in ay bixiyaan mishiin heersare ah oo tayo sare leh iyo qalab loogu talagalay mashaariicda injineernimada ee kala duwan ee gudaha iyo dibaddaba, waxaan hirgelineynaa maamul tayo leh oo adag, oo ka gudbay shahaadada CE ee caalamiga ah ee EU, Imtixaanka SGS, Tijaabinta tayada mashiinada qaadista iyo gaadiidka qaranka.
Alaabooyinka waxaa ka mid ah mashiinnada caqliga gudaha iyo dibadda, wiish waxqabadka xawaaraha sare leh, nidaamka tareenada slide koronto, kor u qaad shaashadda LED, Mashiinnada waxqabadka WIA, Shaashada LED mashiinnada firfircoon ee hal-abuurka leh, marxalad qaadista, istaajin telescopic, silsilad keli ah kor u qaadis koronto, CNC koronto koronto, iwm.; si weyn loogu isticmaalo tiyaatarada hoolka, istuudiyo, garoomada, baararka madadaalada, xisbiyada, hoolalka bandhigga, bandhigyada mobilada, mashaariicda dalxiiska dhaqanka iyo beeraha kale; Mashiinnada marxaladda, Korontada iyo alaabada kale ayaa loo dhoofiyaa in ka badan 50 wadamada iyo gobolada sida Yurub, Ameerika, Aasiya, Australia, Afrika iyo wixii la mid ah; wuxuuna ku guuleystey natiijooyin cilmi baaris oo cajiib ah oo dhinacyo badan leh, ku guuleystay tiro ka mid ah teknoolajiyada patented, waxayna siisay xal hal-joog ah macaamiisha gudaha iyo dibaddaba.
Wali ma jiraan faallooyin.